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  • Writer's picturekeshprad

Barron's 2nd Edition PT1 Q59

59) This problem asks us to describe the resulting image when the object is placed in front of a converging convex lens as so in the diagram shown in the question.

Where f is the focal length

When the object is placed before the focal length of a converging lens, the rays will diverge, so we must backtrace the rays and find the intersection point. The image is upright; therefore, it must be virtual.


It is very useful to learn to draw ray diagrams. Some people find this topic particularly hard to remember. To thoroughly understand the topic, you should practice drawing ray diagrams before f, at f, between f and 2f, at 2f, and after 2f, for converging lenses and mirrors, and for diverging lenses and mirrors.

Answer: D


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